Thursday, December 29, 2005
Some toys are just not meant to play with at any age
Finally. I have been linked. My web site has been linked to my blog! Big deal you say? Well, yes it is! Thank you very much. Maybe for the new year one of the things I will learn is how to better understand a computer and it's workings? See, this linking took almost a year to do. Wait a minute, what am I thinking? Boy if you all could see the look on my face! Me and computer technology. Better keep my artistic talents to hair, makeup, and fashion. I just remembered what I did to a toy I had called Mr Machine. Ouch. Poor thing. Maybe it's the spirit of that toy that visits my computer every once and a while? Is that smoke coming from my lab top? R-
Sunday, December 18, 2005
And a whatever to you too!
OK, am I crazy or did I miss something? When did we start worrying about merry holidays or happy Christmas? If this is the new social issue plaguing us as a nation, we have bigger troubles then I thought. In case anyone cares, some of us have lost a good month of our lives. Some, have lost their lives completely and are desperate to rebuild a future. If deciding between a merry or a happy is the biggest problem you face, then you've missed the true meaning of Christmas altogether. Now that is ironic don't you think? R-
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Twinkle twinkle little wrinkle
Yesterday I joined my friend Virginia Alexander, and her friend Sharon for a
luncheon hosted by Botox cosmetics. Now that in it's self is kind of funny. Sorry, my quirky side is showing. I have to say they had a very nice seminar for the beauty professions that attended. The Four Seasons Hotel in Miami was the location and lunch was great. The desert, even better! I sat and listened to a panel of doctors who are more then qualified with a testimonial from patients and thought, "I wonder if they have a room that they inject each other in?" Imaging a Botox party of sorts. Looking at these people I was sure they injected this stuff into their veins. Hailing this as an anti wrinkle drug discovered from a side affect to what it's real purpose was for. Correcting excessive blinking and individuals who were cross eyed. Their purpose was to inform us that there's a right and wrong way to use the product. To get us to spread the word. If we can't get rid of stress then we can get rid of the signs that it exists. Happy Happy Happy. Think they're a bit late cause if you looked around the room at the expressionless faces you knew. I'm not saying I didn't learn something, I did. Always go with an open mind and leave with a goody bag! One free treatment, a t-shirt which is going to the dog I sat for. His nick name is Botox and that's what the shirt says. In rhinestones. A great fitting ball cape and the most wonderful pen. Can't help thinking that their commerical is targeted for the shollow. I mean, I had a good hair day? I found a great pair of shoes on sale? Yet there I was. And I thought I was living in delusion. R-
luncheon hosted by Botox cosmetics. Now that in it's self is kind of funny. Sorry, my quirky side is showing. I have to say they had a very nice seminar for the beauty professions that attended. The Four Seasons Hotel in Miami was the location and lunch was great. The desert, even better! I sat and listened to a panel of doctors who are more then qualified with a testimonial from patients and thought, "I wonder if they have a room that they inject each other in?" Imaging a Botox party of sorts. Looking at these people I was sure they injected this stuff into their veins. Hailing this as an anti wrinkle drug discovered from a side affect to what it's real purpose was for. Correcting excessive blinking and individuals who were cross eyed. Their purpose was to inform us that there's a right and wrong way to use the product. To get us to spread the word. If we can't get rid of stress then we can get rid of the signs that it exists. Happy Happy Happy. Think they're a bit late cause if you looked around the room at the expressionless faces you knew. I'm not saying I didn't learn something, I did. Always go with an open mind and leave with a goody bag! One free treatment, a t-shirt which is going to the dog I sat for. His nick name is Botox and that's what the shirt says. In rhinestones. A great fitting ball cape and the most wonderful pen. Can't help thinking that their commerical is targeted for the shollow. I mean, I had a good hair day? I found a great pair of shoes on sale? Yet there I was. And I thought I was living in delusion. R-
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Back away from the computer and put down the drill.
Don't you just love to spend hours on the computer, tweak your writings, answer the questions over and over until you've hammered the keys into the ground and poof. Gone. That's what happened to my first post! Times two. So I typed out this new one. I wish computer people remembered that some of us aren't good with power tools and computers! Good thing because I see a drill with this computer's name on it! R-
Monday, December 05, 2005
"You can have the car in any color you want, as long as it's black"
Isn't that what Henry Ford said about his new car's? Don't you love when someone says to you, "oh you do what you think is best, or I don't know, your the expert." Only to argue at the end because they don't like it so your told you didn't listen. You did what you wanted, not what I wanted. Your made to feel selfish. In fact no matter how many times over the years I've encountered this situation and thought I saw it coming before I started, I was wrong. Wrong from the other person's perspective. Wrong cause I still get sucked in. I should protect myself by having it writing, get a tape recorder. Something! If you asked for my opinion and you don't like it fine. But if you pay for my opinion, tell me to do what I think is right only to give me shit for it afterwards because it isn't to "your" liking then yes it is my fault. Mine because this is never going to change. I can spot the problem within the first minute of conversation so I should walk away. You are thinking then why not give them what they wanted. Doesn't always work because sometimes it still isn't right. I say this because I do get paid for my opinion when it comes to making decisions on hair, makeup, and fashion choices. Now this is regarding modeling. When it comes to my private clientele that's different. There we both have a say. Now I hate to be the one to tell you this but, No, the customer is not always right. And I can say this because I get paid for my opinion! R-
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