Thursday, December 29, 2005

Some toys are just not meant to play with at any age

Finally. I have been linked. My web site has been linked to my blog! Big deal you say? Well, yes it is! Thank you very much. Maybe for the new year one of the things I will learn is how to better understand a computer and it's workings? See, this linking took almost a year to do. Wait a minute, what am I thinking? Boy if you all could see the look on my face! Me and computer technology. Better keep my artistic talents to hair, makeup, and fashion. I just remembered what I did to a toy I had called Mr Machine. Ouch. Poor thing. Maybe it's the spirit of that toy that visits my computer every once and a while? Is that smoke coming from my lab top? R-

Sunday, December 18, 2005

And a whatever to you too!

OK, am I crazy or did I miss something? When did we start worrying about merry holidays or happy Christmas? If this is the new social issue plaguing us as a nation, we have bigger troubles then I thought. In case anyone cares, some of us have lost a good month of our lives. Some, have lost their lives completely and are desperate to rebuild a future. If deciding between a merry or a happy is the biggest problem you face, then you've missed the true meaning of Christmas altogether. Now that is ironic don't you think? R-

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Twinkle twinkle little wrinkle

Yesterday I joined my friend Virginia Alexander, and her friend Sharon for a
luncheon hosted by Botox cosmetics. Now that in it's self is kind of funny. Sorry, my quirky side is showing. I have to say they had a very nice seminar for the beauty professions that attended. The Four Seasons Hotel in Miami was the location and lunch was great. The desert, even better! I sat and listened to a panel of doctors who are more then qualified with a testimonial from patients and thought, "I wonder if they have a room that they inject each other in?" Imaging a Botox party of sorts. Looking at these people I was sure they injected this stuff into their veins. Hailing this as an anti wrinkle drug discovered from a side affect to what it's real purpose was for. Correcting excessive blinking and individuals who were cross eyed. Their purpose was to inform us that there's a right and wrong way to use the product. To get us to spread the word. If we can't get rid of stress then we can get rid of the signs that it exists. Happy Happy Happy. Think they're a bit late cause if you looked around the room at the expressionless faces you knew. I'm not saying I didn't learn something, I did. Always go with an open mind and leave with a goody bag! One free treatment, a t-shirt which is going to the dog I sat for. His nick name is Botox and that's what the shirt says. In rhinestones. A great fitting ball cape and the most wonderful pen. Can't help thinking that their commerical is targeted for the shollow. I mean, I had a good hair day? I found a great pair of shoes on sale? Yet there I was. And I thought I was living in delusion. R-

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Back away from the computer and put down the drill.

Don't you just love to spend hours on the computer, tweak your writings, answer the questions over and over until you've hammered the keys into the ground and poof. Gone. That's what happened to my first post! Times two. So I typed out this new one. I wish computer people remembered that some of us aren't good with power tools and computers! Good thing because I see a drill with this computer's name on it! R-

Monday, December 05, 2005

"You can have the car in any color you want, as long as it's black"

Isn't that what Henry Ford said about his new car's? Don't you love when someone says to you, "oh you do what you think is best, or I don't know, your the expert." Only to argue at the end because they don't like it so your told you didn't listen. You did what you wanted, not what I wanted. Your made to feel selfish. In fact no matter how many times over the years I've encountered this situation and thought I saw it coming before I started, I was wrong. Wrong from the other person's perspective. Wrong cause I still get sucked in. I should protect myself by having it writing, get a tape recorder. Something! If you asked for my opinion and you don't like it fine. But if you pay for my opinion, tell me to do what I think is right only to give me shit for it afterwards because it isn't to "your" liking then yes it is my fault. Mine because this is never going to change. I can spot the problem within the first minute of conversation so I should walk away. You are thinking then why not give them what they wanted. Doesn't always work because sometimes it still isn't right. I say this because I do get paid for my opinion when it comes to making decisions on hair, makeup, and fashion choices. Now this is regarding modeling. When it comes to my private clientele that's different. There we both have a say. Now I hate to be the one to tell you this but, No, the customer is not always right. And I can say this because I get paid for my opinion! R-

Friday, November 25, 2005

Biggest sale ever

Again. And again. It's Friday, the day after Thanks Giving and people everywhere are foaming at the mouth to spend money (they probably don't have) wait in long lines before the sun comes up, kicking, screaming, fighting for a parking place, all to get what, those gifts on sale? The ones that get returned on the day after Xmas? The one day only get up early pre-sale? What is that? You can't tell me it isn't all going to be on sale again. For an even better price. Because it will be. (the day after Xmas) And what about the poor sales people that have to put up with it all? I sat at the dinner table yesterday between dinner and desert and listened to the conversation about today's plans. Who had what, when to get there, oh can you get this for me while your there and I'll buy your... And my Mom bless her. She tried her best to enlist my help and go shopping with her. Tried all kinds of ways. Years Of shopping as a sport have taught me that the Friday after Thanks Giving and the day after Xmas are better spent having a root canal. Have fun Mom, call me when you and poor Dad get back. Oh and while your there can you pick me up... R-

Saturday, November 19, 2005


Ever see those people with broad shoulders? The ones some mistook for having bad fashion sense cause they are still wearing shoulder pads? They aren't pads. They are the dumping off point of others dramas. Yesterday between the house phone and my cell, I clocked hundreds of drama miles. Too bad you can't cash them in for some spa time. Every phone call or persons visit contained drama of some kind. And some came with attitude. Must have been the you have three minutes to talk. Hey, that was about all the time there was between the calls. I think it would be a great game show to lay out your personal drama in front of say a panel on non experts and see who they thought was the best of the best. Not to make light of some things but why yesterday, I have no idea? And to think that they all think I am the stable one. The voice of reason. What scars me is that with many of them, I am. R-

Friday, November 11, 2005

Can you believe it

The other day I was driving on interstate 95 with one of those donuts for a back tire. I have been told not to go over 55mph. I was doing 60 and was in the slow lane. I had to go to work. I was yelled at, honked at and cursed at. Excuse me but in some places the speed limit was 55. I had a truck up my trunk trying to intimate me. The final straw as the cement truck that ran me off the road. Sorry wasn't going fast enough in my porsche. But honey, I got the tire replaced now. I would be scared. Very scared. Cause I really do own a porsche. R-

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Take my money. Please.

OK, I know I'm one to do things differently but I am one person who is resourceful if nothing else. I am still without power since Wilma blew through South Florida and parts North. No power means no business and money isn't rolling in. So I am rolling my change. And no one seems to want it. Well, too bad. That's what I have and that's what you'll get. Now some are happy to get the rolled dimes and nickels. They don't have to go to the bank. Speaking of... The bank doesn't want it unless I roll it and have an account. But the 800 # I called said yes for a fee they would roll it. I can take it to the grocery stores but they want 8 cents on the dollar. Hey I have lots of coins. So I sit and roll a little everyday. They should be glad I'm not bring them my pennies. And I have lots of those. R-

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I wonder what it would take...

Last night it took four people, and over a dozen phone calls to get someone to do something about three live wires sparking and flying free around in the air. The first 911 call was at 8:50 PM. The power company showed up at 2 AM to fix the wires. The beeping from the meter took 17 hours total to shut off. Glad it wasn't serious. R-

Saturday, October 29, 2005

What am I doing wrong???

Without power for the last few days, trying to get by with the aftermath of Wilma I pondered what I would write about when I could... My Dad is trying to reset all the clocks in the house. That should be enough said. My poor Mom. It's going to be a long night. And then we have to turn them back at 2 AM. Anyone got any aspirin? R-

Thursday, October 20, 2005

This poor dog

For those who know me, you better sit down. I am dog sitting. Yep. I am watching a clients dog. And he is watching me. Ever heard it's like watching paint dry? I can truly said I have done so. But that is another entry. Jag is his name. A 4 year old boxer. Nick name Botox. Smart, cute, loving, well trained. Kind of what you want in a mate. Bored. This poor guy is bored to tears. When I had my fish, that was easy. Every morning you just looked to see they were all upright. Time to clean the tank, I just bought a bigger pump. If they didn't get along they never showed it. Trying to hold on was tuff enough. I have to entertain him. I did find that when we play tog of war I have cleaner floors. I just drag him around the house from one end to the other. The benefits are pretty good. My arms are looking good. And he goes down for a nap right after. Think he does windows? R-

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

no friends no mirror

With all the makeover shows, articles, and stylists around we should be seen as Earth, fashion planet. We can complete our transformation into fashion fabulasness in less then an hour on a budget of a dollar three eighty. In a nano second we can recreate a look so it's better then the very thing we want to copy. But no one seems to be watching. Because if they were we would know two things right of the bat. One, they have friends. Those are the people that will tell you if you look good or not. (check under glossary for fashion friend which is under construction at the moment) and two. These people own a full length mirror.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Hurry, send to three hundred in the next 3 seconds

When I die I am going to find that I have about $50,000 in rebates that were for some reason never sent to me. You know all the mail in rebates you are going to get? Then when you call to ask where is the rebate, your told oh that offer is no longer valid. Thankx. It only took me two hours to get to you. After I bribed someone for the secret telephone number. There are of course the almost lottery winnings that for some reason or another I didn't play the ticket that day. Like the $350,000 fantasy five where I had all the numbers, just didn't play. And now I see I will be receiving all the good luck I can handle in the after life because of all the send this to three hundred of you friends in the next three seconds and you will have good luck. (if I don't get killed by my friends for sending it, that's good luck) And what if I don't have any friends? After all I keep losing them one by one when I have to forward the chain letter. But I guess that is why you send it back to the person who sent it. I wonder what happens when it is just the two of you left? Do we get our friends back when we collect the checks that were really lost in the mail? Can someone tell me if I also get back all the download time I have wasted trying to get information that just doesn't help! R-

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Entitlement. Seems like everyone these days is feeling it. Reminds me of when a client told me about her and her husband arguing with their son when he wanted to quit his job. He was feeling entitled to some time off. He had worked so hard for so long. After all he had paid his dues. Both parents stopped dead in their tracks. Then started to laugh. Laughed so hard they cried. Seems their son is 25. Guess that is one way to end an argument. Wonder if he can spell the word dues? Then he might be able to look it up.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Living in delusion on the banks of denial

How did I go from waking up every morning with the first thoughts of where should I go tonight? To waking up with toughs of should I get out of bed now and come back in twenty to get my knees? When did I trade my conversations of clubbing, dining and fashion, for doctors, grey hair and arthritis? Oh and try saying anything to my Mom and you'll hear, "that's nice, just wait". Thankx Mom. Luv you too... R-

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Living in delusion on the banks of denial

This is the first of my entries. Not sure what I want to get out of this, or give really. Just creating a place to post silly shit. You know, the things that you scratch your head over. A place to say things that others are thinking, or not... Observations really. For instance, was I out of town when they changed the rule about slower traffic keep right? Now I find it to be slower traffic keep left. Far left. Right in front of Rick. And don't forget the self appointed road police. They are the drivers who don't let you go around them or the slow drivers.